Marin Chapter of Citizens' Climate Lobby

"Action is the Antidote to Despair" - Joan Baez

The Marin Chapter of  Citizens’ Climate Lobby supports all effective and socially just efforts to draw down COemissions and reverse climate change. Our strongest advocacy is for a national, annually escalating carbon fee and dividend.

This policy will help enable and accelerate the development of renewable carbon-free technologies.

The Marin Chapter meets each month (currently on-line) to discuss the economics of carbon fee and dividend and the current political climate for legislation. Our chapter president is Peter Joseph and our Steering Committee includes knowledgeable journalists,  economists, energy professionals, community organizers, and others from Marin County.
Check out our most recent Newsletter!

An Overview of Carbon Fee and Dividend:

  1. Place a steadily rising fee on the carbon dioxide (CO2) pollution from fossil fuels:

  • Collect carbon fees (taxes) from the fossil fuel industry for the extraction and import of oil, gas, coal.
  • Start the fee at $15/metric ton of CO2- equivalent emissions of fossil fuels, escalating by $10/metric ton each year.
  1. Return 100% of the net fees directly to households as a monthly dividend:

  • About two-thirds of Americans will receive more in dividends than they will pay in higher prices caused the portion of the fee that the fossil fuel companies elect to pass along.
  • The monthly household dividend will inject billions into the economy, protect family budgets, free households to make independent choices about their energy usage, spur innovation, and build aggregate demand for low-carbon products at the consumer level.
  1. Impose a border carbon adjustment (BCA) on commodity imports from countries that lack a meaningful carbon price. This levels the playing field between the US and trading partners:

  • The BCA will (1) discourage US businesses from relocating where they can emit more CO2 and (2) motivate other countries to adopt similar carbon pricing policies.
  1. An Important Bill in Congress:
  • HR2307 is the “Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act”.
  • This bill will impose a fee on carbon extraction and give the revenue back to U.S. Citizens.
  • HR 2307 currently has 95 Congressional Cosponsors and counting.
  • Including our own Jared Huffman.

"For Florida, dangerous climate change has arrived" | Will Tampa's luck run out this time? My 5-year old op-ed in the @TampaBayTimes w/ Andrea Dutton remains evergreen:

Climate change is an economic problem. Polluting cannot be free.

It's time for #carbonpricing. Put a fee per ton of carbon at the extraction of #FossilFuel.

Rebate that all that money to all U. S. citizens.

Receive a check monthly.

Simple and effective.

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Upcoming Events:

No October Meeting!
Join our next Marin Chapter Meeting in November!

Please join us for our monthly chapter meeting! See you in November!

We will continue presenting how you can participate at whatever level you choose, focusing on navigating CCL Community’s rich resources to find your action team and trainings, and opportunities to act locally.

Join us at this Zoom link.

The Monthly National Call Saturday October 12th at 10:00am:

Each month, Citizens’ Climate Lobby supporters gather locally for a monthly meeting where we educate ourselves by listening to a guest speaker.

Join us for the October Meeting with Akshat Rathi. Rathi is an award-winning senior reporter for Bloomberg News. He is the host of Zero, a climate podcast for Bloomberg Green.

Rathi has a PhD in organic chemistry from the University of Oxford, and a Bachelor of Technology in chemical engineering from the Institute of Chemical Technology in Mumbai. His latest book is Climate Capitalism.

To connect by Zoom video conference, go to

Did You Miss the 2024 Conference?
The 2024 CCL June Conference Keynote addresses are now available here:

About Citizens’ Climate Lobby in a Short 2 Minute Video:

White Papers and Articles that can help you better understand Carbon Fee and Dividend:

Written testimony to the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee following its March 23, 2022 hearing on Promoting American Energy Security by Facilitating Investments and Innovation in Climate Solutions.

“Prosperous Sweden, which first introduced carbon taxes in 1990, today emits only a third as much carbon dioxide per dollar of gross domestic product as the United States.”

“Three pending climate bills would achieve Biden’s bold climate targets, satisfy budget reconciliation criteria, and meet the all-important political criterion of achieving public support.”

“While a steadily rising fee on fossil fuel pollution helps deliver swift and meaningful environmental justice, the dividend delivers a remarkable measure of economic justice.”

“Here’s a way to manage both fossil fuel lobbying power and the economic impact of a rapid reduction in fossil fuel use: get the fossil fuel companies to PAY individuals to stop using their products.”

(Click Here for an archive of White Papers and other published articles and letters.)

Locally Published Newspaper Opinions and Letters:

  • Marin IJ Voice (Jonathan Marshall and Ray Welsh)

PG&E’s electricity rate reform is needed to move forward)
May 6, 2023

  • S.F. Chronicle Opinion (Ray Welsh)

How Newsom’s $400 California gas rebate idea can be scaled up to fight climate change April 23, 2022

Who Supports Carbon Fee and Dividend in Marin?

Marin organizations who have endorsed HR 2307, the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act currently in Congress:

  • Marin Board of Supervisors
  • College of Marin Board of Trustees
  • Canal Alliance
  • MCE (Marin Clean Energy)
  • SolarCraft
  • Turning Green 
  • Indivisible Marin
  • Mike’s Bikes
  • Marin County Bicycle Coalition
  • Good Earth Natural Foods
  • KW Botanicals
  • Jayli
  • EcoRing
  • Crook Beales Design
  • Simple Solar
The fee and dividend policy is in several bills, including the House Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, now with over 90 co-sponsors, including our Representative Jared Huffman and:
  • 42 members of the Progressive Caucus
  • 14 members of the Congressional Black Caucus
  • 13 members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus
  • 29 members of the Congressional Asian American Caucus

Support for this legislation continues to grow.

Take Action Right Now:

Join CCL Today

Join Citizens’ Climate Lobby to stay up-to-date on events and information regarding climate action. This is also a great way to connect with the community.

If you are you a new member or you want to get more involved…
  • You can also sign up for an information session and learn more about Citizens’ Climate Lobby and how you can make a difference – it covers the basics about our approach and our preferred solution. Get your questions answered live!
  • If you want to become more involved LOCALLY here in Marintake this brief questionnaire that can provide areas where you can contribute and make of difference:

Write to Congress

Contact Senator Dianne Feinstein here

Contact Senator Alex Padilla here

Contact our Representative Jared Huffman here

Learn about the Energy Innovation and Climate Dividend Act and what you can do TODAY to support this important House bill.